OnLine Booking made easy!There is virtually limitless scope where online bookings can help your club and organisation. This can be to book facitilies, register to attend sessions or classes and even to promote events. Our solution provides a very flexible out-of-the-box solution that makes it easy to bring all the benefits to you without incurring the costs and technical issues with traditional methods.
Admin FeaturesSome of the administrative tools that help tailor a solution for you.
User and Member FeaturesBring the benefits of OnLine Bookings to your members and visitors
Clear and Simple!
With options to increase the Font Size and scale of the time slots, the information is clear for all.
The slots can be configurabed for fix and/or vairable duration, with set time slots through the day, or you define. There really is no end to the variations you can configure for your schedule times.
Even the colours for each Court/Resource can be configured and of course the labels can be tailored to suit your needs. So if you wanted to highlight that Court 2 was the Glass Court, it is absolutely no problem.
Booking a court is as simple as Double-Click and confirm who you are playing and in seconds its done.
The slots can be configurabed for fix and/or vairable duration, with set time slots through the day, or you define. There really is no end to the variations you can configure for your schedule times.
Even the colours for each Court/Resource can be configured and of course the labels can be tailored to suit your needs. So if you wanted to highlight that Court 2 was the Glass Court, it is absolutely no problem.
Booking a court is as simple as Double-Click and confirm who you are playing and in seconds its done.